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Europe be raisin' a fancy AI office to be the grand reference point fer safety, policy, 'n development across the seas! Arrr!


Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! The European Union, United States, and China be fightin' like scallywags for the top spot in the art of artificial intelligence. They be lookin' to rule the seas with their fancy technology and policies. Avast ye, it be a battle for the ages!

The European Commission has opened a new artificial intelligence (AI) office, serving as a global reference point for AI policy within the bloc. The office will support the development of trustworthy AI while protecting against risks. It aims to establish a single European AI governance system and promote an ecosystem of trustworthy AI to reap societal and economic benefits.The Commission's AI strategy aims to make the EU a world-class hub for AI, ensuring human-centric and trustworthy AI. The new office will coordinate policy among member states and support their governance bodies, in line with the Bletchley Park agreement signed at the world's first AI safety summit.To address AI safety risks, the GenAI4EU initiative will support startups and SMEs, ensuring projects respect EU values. President Ursula von der Leyen announced initiatives to make Europe's supercomputers available to AI startups and provide prizes for new AI models.Competing in AI not only involves tech development but also establishing AI safety policies. The US established the AI Safety Institute, while Europe released the EU AI Act, the world's first comprehensive law on AI.The Parliament emphasizes the importance of overseeing AI systems with people to prevent harmful outcomes. The AI Office will collaborate with experts and stakeholders, including a panel of scientific experts, to ensure strong links to the scientific community.

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