The Booty Report

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Arrr, the good ship Pentagon be sendin' 1,000 scurvy dogs to build a port for Gaza aid, 'twill take two moons!


Arrr mateys, the Pentagon be sayin' that it'll take a couple o' moons to build a port o' call for our mates in Gaza. A thousand hearty sailors be needed for the task. Avast ye, let's get to work and help those in need!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, ye scallywags best be listenin' up! The U.S. military be fixin' to build a port in Gaza to provide humanitarian aid, arrr! It be takin' up to two months and over 1,000 U.S. servicemembers to get the job done, mateys. Press secretary Maj. Gen. Patrick Ryder be sayin' in a press conference that it'll take at least 1,000 U.S. forces to build the port, arrr!The Department of Defense be startin' right away on constructin' the port, but there be no boots on the ground, me hearties. The plan be to have military personnel on vessels offshore to handle the aid distribution, arrr! The offshore pier be expected to deliver more than two million meals to the folks in Gaza once it be up and runnin', ye scurvy dogs!President Biden be makin' the announcement during his State of the Union address, with senior administration officials discussin' the plans for humanitarian aid in Gaza. So keep an eye out for the U.S. military sailin' in to save the day, me mateys! Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!

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