The Booty Report

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Arrrr! Methinks Katie Britt be raisin' questions about her State of the Union jabberin'. She be walkin' the plank soon!


Arrr, that scallywag of a senator be spinning yarns about sex trafficking to bash the Biden crew's border plans. But, blast me barnacles! Those shenanigans happened in Mexico moons ago. Aye, let's keep our tales straight, me hearties!

Arrr mateys, listen up as I spin ye a tale of the Alabama senator who be talkin' 'bout sex traffickin' to bash the Biden administration's border policies. But here be the rub - the events he be blabberin' 'bout happened in Mexico many moons ago. Aye, ye heard right!
Seems like this scallywag be tryin' to pull a fast one on us, makin' up stories to score political points. But us salty dogs ain't fallin' for his shenanigans. We be seein' through his smokescreen and callin' him out on his tomfoolery.
Arrr, 'tis a sad day when politicians be resortin' to such underhanded tactics to further their own agendas. But fear not, me hearties, for we be keepin' a weather eye on 'em and holdin' 'em accountable for their deeds.
So next time ye hear a tale as tall as a mast, be sure to check the facts before ye go believin' it hook, line, and sinker. And remember, it be better to be a wise landlubber than a gullible swabbie in this here political sea.

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