The Booty Report

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Arrr, David Bordwell, the swashbuckling scholar who unraveled the mysteries of moviemaking, has set sail at 76. fare thee well, matey.


Arrr, this scallywag be a true scholar of the moving pictures! Roger Ebert himself dubbed him as the finest scribbler of the silver screen. Aye, he be knowin' his way around the cinema like a pirate knows his way 'round a treasure map!

Ahoy mateys! Avast ye landlubbers! Thar be a scallywag named Ebert who be known fer his knowledge o' the moving pictures. Aye, he be a proper scholar, delvin' deep into the inner workings o' them films. Roger Ebert himself hailed him as "our best writer on the cinema." Arrr, a high praise indeed from a seasoned critic like Ebert!

This salty sea dog be spendin' his days studyin' the magic o' cinema, unravelin' its secrets and sharin' his wisdom with the landlubbers who sought his counsel. Aye, he be a true legend in the world o' film criticism, a buccaneer sailin' the treacherous waters o' Hollywood with his trusty pen as his sword.

So next time ye be watchin' a flick on the silver screen, raise a tankard in honor o' this swashbucklin' scholar. Fer he be the one who showed us the hidden depths o' the cinema, the one who made us see them moving pictures in a whole new light. Here's to ye, ye old sea dog Ebert, may yer legacy live on in the hearts o' film lovers everywhere!

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