The Booty Report

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Yarr mateys, word be spreadin' that a portrait of Prince Catherine be tampered with! Aye, the scallywags!


Arrr mateys! The scallywags at Kensington Palace be tryin' to fool us with a portrait o' Princess Catherine, claimin' she be in good health! But the news be sayin' it be a trickery! Beware the deceitful ways o' the royals, me hearties!

Yarr mateys, word be spreadin' that a portrait of Prince Catherine be tampered with! Aye, the scallywags!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up ye scurvy dogs, for I have a tale to tell ye about the Princess of Wales and her Mother's Day portrait! Kensington Palace, in all its grandeur, released a portrait of Catherine to show off her fine health on this special day fer all ye mothers out there. But avast! News agencies be sayin' that the image had been tampered with, manipulated like a sneaky pirate tryin' to steal treasure!
Ye see, in this day and age, even royalty can't escape the scrutiny of the press. They be watchin' every move, every pixel of those portraits, lookin' fer signs of trickery. And lo and behold, they found it in this picture of the fair princess. Perhaps the royal painters be gettin' a bit too fancy with their brushes, tryin' to make her look even more radiant than she already be.
So beware, me hearties, when ye look upon the portraits of royalty. They may be more deceitful than a smooth-tongued pirate tryin' to sell ye a fake treasure map. Keep yer wits about ye, and remember that not all that glitters be gold, especially when it comes to the images of the highborn and mighty.

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