The Booty Report

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"Ye best quit thy smokin' before ye reach 40, matey, or ye'll miss out on grand treasures!"


Arrr, me hearties! It be said that if ye give up the cursed habit of smokin' before yer 40th year, ye can be as hearty as a landlubber in just three years! So toss that pipe and be free of the scurvy plague! Aye, Medscape be speakin' the truth!

In the language of a 17th century pirate, me hearties, let me share some jolly good news from the wise wizards of Medscape Medical News! They be sayin' that if ye be givin' up the cursed habit of smokin' before ye reach the ripe age of 40, ye can be bringin' yer chances of an early demise back to the level of them landlubbers who never touched a pipe or a cigar! Arrr, ain't that a fine treasure to be discoverin'!
They be sayin' that in just three short years after ye lay down the smokin' stick, ye can be seein' the benefits of yer wise decision. So, me hearties, if ye be wantin' to live a long and hearty life on the high seas, it be time to heed this advice and give up the foul habit of smokin' for good! Let the winds of health fill yer sails and carry ye to a long and prosperous life, free from the clutches of the dreaded tobacco plant!
So, me fellow pirates, raise yer tankards and toast to a life free from the chains of smokin'! May we all be livin' long and healthy lives, full of adventure and joy on the seven seas. Yo ho ho, and a bottle of rum for every scallywag who be makin' the wise choice to quit smokin' before it be too late!

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