The Booty Report

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Arrr, the fair maiden Kate be beggin' pardon for tamperin' with the Mother's Day treasure portrait! Aye!


Arrr, me hearties! The portrait o' Catherine, Princess of Wales, be suspect! Methinks some scurvy dog be playin' tricks with their fancy digital magic on this here picture o' her and three wee ones. 'Tis aye a mystery o' the seven seas!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up as I spin ye a tale of deception fit for a scurvy dog! A portrait of Catherine, Princess of Wales, and her wee ones has been found to be as fishy as a mermaid's kiss. It seems that some scallywag has tampered with the image using some dark magic called digital alteration.
The clues be as clear as a spyglass in a pirate's hand. The Princess be lookin' as smooth as a dolphin's back, with no wrinkles or blemishes in sight. Her children be standin' there like statues, with no mischief in their eyes. And the colors be as bright as a parrot's feathers, unnatural and garish.
It seems that someone be tryin' to make the Princess and her young'uns look perfect, like treasures in a chest. But we all know that no one be perfect, not even a royal. So beware, me hearties, of false images and deceitful tricks. Keep yer eyes sharp as a cutlass and yer wits about ye, for the seas be full of sharks and scoundrels tryin' to pull the wool over yer eyes.

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