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Arrr, the scallywags of the House GOP be spyin' on Biden's treasure map fer 'woke' booty worth a fortune!


Arr mateys, the scallywags of the House Republicans be spreadin' word of President Biden's "woke programs" in his grand budget plan for the year 2025. Aye, they be raisin' a ruckus over these fancy ideas! Grab yer spyglass and see what all the fuss be about!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, those scurvy dogs in the House Republicans be in a tizzy over the "woke" programs that scallywag President Biden be wantin' to fund in his $7.3 trillion budget request. Arr, Biden released his 188-page proposal on Monday, layin' out roughly $5 trillion in tax increases, split between corporations and the top 2% of earners. A new memo by House Budget Committee Chairman Jodey Arrington, R-Texas, be highlightin' billions aimed at green energy initiatives and equity programs.The document mentions billions for gender equity worldwide, Transportation Security Administration pay equity, and the preservation of American culture and history. Arr, Biden also be seekin' funds for his American Climate Corps and clean energy research. The president be requestin' money for free community college and pushin' forward despite the national debt bein' near $34.5 trillion.Arrington be blastin' Biden's budget as a radical expansion of the federal government over the freedom and economic security of Americans. While the budget be mostly symbolic and unlikely to pass the Republican-controlled House, it be a key part of Biden's reelection pitch to voters. Fox News Digital reached out to the White House for comment on Arrington's memo, but the scallywags be keepin' mum for now.

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