The Booty Report

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Ahoy matey! Navalny's mate be thwacked with a hammer outside his abode in Lithuania. Walk the plank! Arrr!


Arrr mateys, tis be a tale of woe! Leonid Volkov, a scallywag aide to Aleksei Navalny, be ambushed at his own abode in Vilnius. He be takin' a beating and doused with tear gas! Ye never know when ye might be walkin' the plank next!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen close as I tell ye a tale of treachery and betrayal on the high seas of politics! Just the other day, a scoundrel by the name of Leonid Volkov, loyal aide to the infamous Aleksei Navalny, was set upon by a band of ruffians and scallywags in the port of Vilnius!

As poor Volkov was making his way home, the dastardly villains pounced upon him, beating him within an inch of his life and spraying him with tear gas! Aye, 'twas a cruel and cowardly act, fit for the most despicable of knaves!

But fear not, me hearties, for Volkov be a tough old sea dog, and he shall recover from his wounds and live to fight another day! And mark me words, those scurvy dogs who attacked him shall not escape justice – for the code of the sea dictates that no man shall harm a fellow sailor without facing the consequences!

So raise a flagon of rum to brave Volkov, and may his enemies quake in their boots at the thought of facing the wrath of Aleksei Navalny and his loyal crew of buccaneers! Arrr!

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