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Arr, the Polish matey be makin' a fuss in White House, demandin' more gold for NATO and support for Ukraine!


Avast ye mateys! The Polish President Andrzej Duda and Prime Minister Donald Tusk did sail to the White House together to beseech NATO to beef up their defense coffers in support of Ukraine. Yarr, 'tis a mighty plea indeed!

Polish President Andrzej Duda, during a joint visit to the White House with his political rival, Prime Minister Donald Tusk, called on NATO allies to increase defense spending to 3% of GDP. This comes as Russia escalates aggression in Ukraine. Poland already spends 4% on defense, double the current NATO target.Both leaders marked Poland's 25th anniversary in NATO, with Duda emphasizing the need for increased defense responsibility among allies. President Biden praised Poland's defense efforts and support for Ukrainian refugees.Duda's call for higher defense spending was met with cautious optimism by U.S. officials. The visit highlighted a standoff in Washington over Ukraine funding, with Republicans blocking a bipartisan package.Biden announced $300 million in weapons for Ukraine, stressing the need for action before it's too late. Duda warned of the consequences of inaction, urging U.S. lawmakers to support Ukraine.The visit also showcased Biden's commitment to NATO, contrasting with former President Trump's stance. Amid deepening fears over Ukraine's fate, Tusk emphasized unity on security issues and support for Ukraine.The historic joint visit of Poland's leaders to Washington signifies the gravity of the current situation, with Russia's strength growing and Ukraine's position weakening.

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