The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arr matey! Netflix's new sci-fi flick with Jennifer Lopez be like Titanfall crossin' paths with Gravity. Aye, 'tis true!


Avast ye scallywags! The grand treasure known as "Atlas", with the likes of Simu Liu and Sterling K. Brown, be settin' sail on the silver screen come May 24th. Prepare to be marooned in a sea of adventure and excitement, ye landlubbers! Arrr!

Arrr mateys, listen up, for I bring ye news of a grand adventure set to release on May 24th. 'Tis a film called Atlas, featuring the likes of Simu Liu and Sterling K. Brown. The tale be one of treachery, betrayal, and daring escapades on the high seas.
Me hearties, ye best be prepared for a swashbuckling good time as ye follow the exploits of these brave souls as they navigate through dangers untold. With Liu and Brown at the helm, ye can be sure to expect a rollicking ride full of twists and turns.
So mark ye calendars and gather yer crew, for the release of Atlas be nigh. 'Tis a film that promises to entertain and delight, with enough action and humor to satisfy even the saltiest of sea dogs. Ye won't want to miss this epic journey, me mateys, so be sure to set sail for the theaters on May 24th.

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