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Arrr, mateys! The EU be keepin' an eye on a Bangladeshi ship swiped by scallywags off Somalia's shores!


Arrr, the European Union be keepin' a sharp eye on a Bangladesh-flagged cargo vessel, whose scallywag crew of 23 have been plundered by pirates near the shores of Somalia. Aye, those rascals be in for a reckoning when the Union catches up to 'em!

Arr, me hearties! The scallywags aboard a Bangladesh-flagged cargo ship be in a spot o' trouble after bein' boarded by pirates off the coast of Somalia. The European Union be keepin' a close eye on the ship as it be makin' its way toward the land.The MV Abdullah be overtaken by a band o' pirates nearly 700 miles east of Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia. The EU vessel, part o' Operation ATALANTA, be tailin' the cargo carrier to ensure the safety o' the crew, who be taken as hostages by the marauders.The ship, owned by Bangladeshi company SR Shipping Lines, be on its way from Maputo to the United Arab Emirates when it fell into the hands o' the armed assailants. Despite a decline in piracy off the Somali coast since 2011, recent incidents have raised concerns about a resurgence in pirate attacks in the region.In December, there be reports of other vessels bein' seized by pirates in the Arabian Sea. The waters off Somalia be no stranger to piracy, but efforts by international navies have helped to curb the threat in recent years.

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