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Arrr, mateys! Listen up ye scallywags, Russia be havin' a presidential election in 2024. Keep yer spyglass keen!


Arrr, me hearties! The grand election in Russia starts on Friday and stretches till Sunday. But don't be fooled by the fancy horse race facade, it's just a rigged show like the ol' Soviet days. Aye, it be a pirate's life for me!

Arrr mateys, listen up ye scallywags! The presidential vote in Russia be startin' on Friday and lastin' through Sunday, like a grand adventure on the high seas. But don't be fooled by the fancy outfits and the sound of galloping horses, this be no ordinary race. It be more like a rigged game, a Soviet-style referendum where the outcome be as certain as the North Star.
Ye see, the powers that be in Mother Russia have already decided who the winner will be, and there be no room for any surprises or upsets. It be like tryin' to sail against the wind - impossible. So all the hoopla and fanfare be just for show, to make it seem like the people have a say in the matter.
But don't ye worry yer pretty little heads, me hearties. In the end, it be all just a big joke, a game of pretend played by the ruling elite. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the spectacle, for in the end, it be all just a show, a grand illusion that we be forced to watch from the sidelines.

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