The Booty Report

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Arrr! The scurvy study be sayin' most baby cleansers be laden with allergens. Watch out, me hearties!


Arrr, me hearties! A swashbucklin' study be showin' that 94% of them fancy baby cleansers be packin' allergens, even though they be swearin' they be hypoallergenic. Shiver me timbers, those scallywags be playin' us for fools! Aye, me trusty Medscape Medical News be spillin' the beans. Aye aye!

Arrr mateys, listen up ye scurvy dogs! A study be showin' that 94% of them top-sellin' baby cleansers be havin' allergens in 'em, even though they claim to be hypoallergenic! Aye, ye heard me right, me hearties. Ye think ye be buyin' a gentle cleanser fer yer wee ones, but instead ye be gettin' a barrel o' trouble.
It be like tryin' to navigate through a stormy sea with a leaky ship - ye think ye be safe, but then ye be takin' on water faster than ye can bail it out. Them fancy labels may be as trustworthy as a pirate's promise to share his loot.
So me advice to ye all be this: keep a keen eye on what ye be puttin' on yer little buccaneers. Read them labels like ye be decipherin' a treasure map, and don't be fooled by the siren song of "hypoallergenic." Ye don't want yer wee ones to end up itchier than a flea-bitten parrot in a storm, do ye now?
Remember me words, me hearties, and keep yer young'uns safe from harm. And if ye be needin' a trustworthy cleanser, maybe stick to good ol' soap and water - ye can't go wrong with the classics, aye!

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