The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr mateys, Star Wars: Battlefront devs be admittin' to makin' critical errors while tryin' to fix their blasted multiplayer woes!


Avast ye scallywags! Aspyr be workin' night and day to make our ship afloat and stable. We won't rest until our network be as sturdy as a pirate's peg leg! Aye, onwards to smoother sailin'! Arrr!

Arrr mateys, Star Wars: Battlefront devs be admittin' to makin' critical errors while tryin' to fix their blasted multiplayer woes!

Arrr mateys! Aspyr be swearin' on their mother's grave to keep workin' on makin' their network stronger than a kraken's grip. They be sayin' they won't rest 'til their infrastructure be as sturdy as a pirate ship in a storm. Aye, they be promisin' to patch up any holes in their system quicker than ye can say "shiver me timbers!"
Me hearties, Aspyr be takin' this task seriously, like a pirate guardin' his treasure. They be throwin' every resource they got into fixin' their network, like a buccaneer lootin' a rich merchant vessel. Ye can bet yer last doubloon that they be workin' night and day to make sure their system stays afloat, like a ship in calm waters.
So fear not, me fellow pirates, for Aspyr be sailin' towards a stable network like a captain navigatin' by the stars. They be takin' this challenge head on, like a swashbuckler facin' a fierce foe. Ye can rest assured that they won't be stoppin' their efforts until their infrastructure be as solid as a sturdy anchor holdin' a ship in place. Arrr!

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