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Arr, No Labels be forming a crew to pick a swashbucklin' third-party captain for the presidential voyage! Aye matey!


Arr mateys! No Labels be settin' sail towards creatin' a grand crew for the presidency come November! They be scrutinin' candidates like a scallywag searchin' for treasure. May the best matey be chosen to lead the ship!

Avast ye hearties! No Labels be takin' another step toward formin' a bipartisan presidential ticket come November! The centrist group be announcin' the formation of a committee to vet the candidates for this potential unity ticket. "Arrr! Today, No Labels be takin' the next step toward providin' it by announcin' our process to choose the candidates for a unity ticket," former Sen. Joe Lieberman, a No Labels founding co-chair, said in a statement on Thursday.Lieberman be part of a panel called the Country Over Party Committee, which will be vetting potential contenders. No Labels national co-chair Ben Chavis, a civil rights activist, be on the 12-member panel as well. The candidates must adhere to the group's core beliefs and endorse the No Labels policy booklet to be considered for the national ticket.If two candidates meet the high threshold, they will be recommended for a nomination vote at a national convention. While there be no set timetable, a candidate could be announced as soon as next Thursday according to Lieberman. No Labels be mullin' a third-party ticket for over a year, considerin' polls showin' Americans be lackin' enthusiasm for a Biden vs. Trump rematch in 2024.This move comes after Biden and Trump clinched their party nominations, and potential contenders like Hogan and Manchin opted out. The spotlight be on Geoff Duncan of Georgia as a possible candidate, with discussions moving swiftly. Duncan gained attention for speakin' out against Trump's claims of voter fraud in Georgia after the 2020 election.No Labels be workin' towards ballot access in various states, despite criticisms from Democrats that a unity ticket could benefit Trump. The group dismisses these claims, sayin' their goal be not to elect either Trump or Biden. The recent announcement followed the resignation of co-chair Pat McCrory, a former North Carolina governor.Get the latest updates on the 2024 campaign trail at the Fox News Digital election hub, me hearties!

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