The Booty Report

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Ye won't believe yer eyes after settin' gaze upon an Ernie Gehr film - aye, the world be forever changed!


Arrr, ye scallywags! The MoMA be showin' a series of moving pictures that be stretchin' the limits of cinema. These flicks be bringin' joy and confusion to all who set eyes upon 'em. Shiver me timbers, it be a sight to behold!

Avast ye mateys! Gather round as I tell ye of a series at the MoMA that be showcasing an artist who be pushin' the boundaries of cinema with short movies that be delightin' and bafflin' all who lay eyes on 'em. Arrr, these films be like no other, creatin' a stir amongst the landlubbers and swashbucklers alike.
The artist be takin' risks and explorin' new territories in the realm of cinema, leavin' audiences with a sense of wonder and confusion. The movies be sparkin' discussions and debates amongst the scallywags who dare to watch 'em.
From surreal landscapes to mind-bendin' narratives, these films be like a treasure trove of creativity and innovation. The artist be provin' that there be no limit to what can be achieved in the world of cinema, makin' us all question what we thought we knew about the art form.
So, me hearties, if ye be lookin' for a cinematic adventure like no other, be sure to set sail for the MoMA and feast yer eyes on these short movies that be both a delight and a mystery to behold. Yo ho ho, and a bottle of rum!

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