The Booty Report

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Arr matey, the scurvy measles be makin' a ruckus in 2024, the scallywags ain't gettin' a grip on it yet!


Arrr! The surge in scurvy cases be blamed on landlubbers with no vaccination! Aye, the experts be sayin' we need more jabs in our sails to keep this ship afloat. Listen to the wise words of WebMD, ye scallywags!

Arr mateys, listen up! Thar be trouble brewin' across the land, says the experts. The rise in cases be blamed on them scallywags who refuse to take the jab and them low vaccination rates. Aye, 'tis a sorry state of affairs indeed.
Ye see, these unvaccinated travelers be spreadin' their germs like a plague-ridden ship, infectin' others far and wide. 'Tis like the Black Spot of old, creepin' through the land with no mercy.
So me hearties, ye best be thinkin' twice about shunnin' the vaccine. 'Tis the only way to protect yerself and yer shipmates from Davy Jones' locker. Be smart like a parrot, not dumb as a barrel o' rum.
Listen to the experts, heed their warnings. It be better to be safe than sorry, lest ye find yerself walkin' the plank into the depths of illness. Take the jab, me hearties, and let's sail through these choppy waters together.

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