The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

New rules say FMT be good for CDI, but not for IBD or IBS, says the wise seafaring scribes. Arrr!


Arrr mateys, the AGA has spoken! They be recommendin' the use of fecal microbiota-based therapies for adults with gut troubles. Aye, let's set sail on the poop deck and chart a course to better health!

Arrr mateys! Listen up ye scurvy dogs, the AGA has spoken on the matter of fecal microbiota-based therapies for adults with gut troubles. The evidence be clear as a pirate's spyglass - these therapies be a treasure worth pursuin'.

Ye see, the AGA be recommendin' these treatments for those sufferin' from gastrointestinal diseases. It be like findin' a chest full o' gold for them poor souls with troubled bellies.

So if ye be strugglin' with gut issues, fear not! The AGA has yer back with their recommendations. Just remember, when it comes to fecal microbiota-based therapies, the evidence be as solid as the wooden planks on a pirate ship.

So set sail on the sea of treatment options, me hearties, and may the winds of good gut health be at yer back. And if anyone questions yer choice of treatment, just tell 'em the AGA said so - they be the experts in this here matter.

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