The Booty Report

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Ye can part with $25 for a single skin, or be a savvy scallywag and plunder the whole treasure trove!


Arrr matey, ye be wantin' both, but alas, ye haven't the coin to spare in this make-believe tale. Ye be stuck choosin' one or the other, aye, the cruel fate o' a poor pirate with a shallow purse.

Arrr matey! Imagine ye be a scallywag with a dilemma: ye have two options before ye, but alas! ye only have $50 in yer pocket. So ye must choose: option A or option B? But not both, because ye don't have $50 in this imaginary scenario. Ye be feelin' like a poor landlubber with a purse full of sand!
Option A be temptin', with its promise of unlimited grog and a parrot on yer shoulder. But beware, me hearty! That parrot be no ordinary bird - it be a cursed creature that squawks insults at ye all day long. Ye be wishin' ye had chosen option B instead!
Option B be a mysterious treasure map that leads to untold riches. But be warned, matey! The map be written in a language ye can't read, and the treasure be guarded by a ferocious sea monster. Ye be wishin' ye had chosen option A after all!
So weigh yer options carefully, ye scurvy dog! Will ye choose the cursed parrot and unlimited grog, or the mysterious treasure map and untold riches? Either way, remember: ye don't have $50 in this imaginary scenario, so choose wisely, me hearties!

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