The Booty Report

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Arrr, the blood test be as sharp as a cutlass in detectin' CRC, me hearties! Aye, trust it!


Arrr mateys, me heart be aflutter with joy! This new test be a real treasure, boasting high sensitivity among the common folk. It be a ray of hope in the dark sea of low screening rates. Aye, let's hoist the sails and spread the word among those scallywags who refuse the stool tests or colonoscopies!

Arrr mateys, listen up ye scallywags! This test be helpin' to catch the scurvy that be lurkin' in yer bowels. It be havin' a good chance of detectin' the foul disease in those who be at average risk, makin' it a valuable tool for increasin' screening rates. For those landlubbers who be too scared to submit to a stool test or a colonoscopy, this test be a beacon of hope, leadin' them on the path to good health.
So me hearties, let's raise a toast to this test and the fine mateys who be creatin' it. May it bring many a scallywag back from the brink of Davy Jones' locker and keep them sailin' the high seas for years to come. Remember, it be better to be safe than sorry when it comes to the health of yer body. So don't be a fool, get yerself tested and keep on sailin' strong!

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