The Booty Report

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Arrr, California's speedy rail be needin' a grand sum o' gold! Let's bury that plan in Davy Jones' locker!


Arrr mateys! When them landlubbers in California were first told of a grand plan for a swift rail between San Francisco and Los Angeles in 2008, they were promised a treasure trove of $33 billion! Now, the scallywag CEO be askin' for another $100 billion! Avast ye, we be sailin' into debt!

Ahoy, me hearties! In the year o' 2008, the landlubbers o' California were told o' a grand plan fer a high-speed rail line betwixt San Francisco and Los Angeles. The scallywags behind this scheme claimed it would cost a mere $33 billion, with most o' that coin comin' from federal coffers or private purses, as the Los Angeles Times be a-sayin'.
But, me mateys, fast forward to the present day and ye won't believe yer ears! The scallywag in charge o' this venture be tellin' the state lawmakers in Sacramento that it'll now cost an additional $100 billion on top o' what was already spent! Aye, ye heard me right, me hearties!
Arrr, it be a right ol' mess, I tell ye! The grand plan to connect these two fair cities be runnin' into rough waters. The doubloons be pilin' up faster than a fleet o' Spanish galleons fleein' from a pirate raid. Methinks someone be walkin' the plank fer this one!

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