The Booty Report

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Me hearties, there be a scallywag on the loose in Washington, DC, causin' mayhem with his blunderbuss!


Avast ye scallywags! 'Twas a bloody battle in Washington, D.C. on Sunday mornin', with five souls wounded and two sent to Davy Jones' locker, as told by the coppers. The wounded were whisked away to the healin' huts. Aye, 'twas a tale of woe!

In the wee hours of Sunday morn in the bustling streets of Washington, D.C., a fracas erupted that left five poor souls wounded and two sent to Davy Jones' locker, as per the lawmen.The constables from the Metropolitan Police Department scurried to the scene near 7th Street and P Street Northwest after word spread of a shooting. The hubbub took place near the Kennedy Recreation Center in the heart of D.C.The wounded swashbucklers, all of age, were swiftly carted off to the local healing houses, as said by Executive Assistant Chief Jeffrey Carroll.The particulars of the skirmish were scarcer than a fair wind, but the constables mentioned the culprit be a Black lad of average build adorned in a blue shirt and light trousers.The rascal was last spotted heading south on 7th Street, leaving the constables scratching their heads in search.If any soul happens upon the scoundrel or possesses any knowledge of the skirmish, they are entreated to alert the constables at 202-727-9099.Stay tuned for more news on this unfolding tale. Yo ho ho!

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