The Booty Report

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Arrr, in Vermont, the landlubbers gather each year for 'Town Meetings' to blather on about politics! Aye, matey!


Arrr mateys, in certain Vermont villages, the locals be gatherin' fer their annual Town Meeting, a grand tradition where they convene to parley and settle matters of the local sort. Aye, 'tis a time for jolly debate and hearty decisions!

Julie be wantin' more donations for the food pantry, Kipp be busy knittin' a sweater, and Shorty be ready to ask why so much be spent on a truck. The coffee, fresh-baked bread, and donuts be laid out, and eighty-seven voters be squeezed into the Elmore Town Hall fer Town Meeting. Cap'n Jon Gailmor, the Moderator, be standin' up."Good mornin', ye scallywags, and welcome to democracy," he says. "This be the real thing, and we should all be proud that we’re doin' this."People in the United States be fed up with politics, feelin' powerless, and alienated from their representatives, especially those in Washington. But in New England, democracy be done a bit differently. Townsfolk gather yearly to hash out local issues, talk, listen, debate, and vote. In Elmore, they even have a potluck lunch after.Elmore, a town of 886, be holdin' tight to traditions, fightin' to keep their town meetings. They be makin' decisions together, regardless of political differences. At Town Meeting, they even be pushin' for an increase to the town’s library funding.Town Meeting be a miraculous tradition in Elmore, where real people take part, and even take stances on national issues. This year, they adopt a declaration of inclusion, welcomin' all people, regardless o' differences. Democracy be alive and well in Elmore, where people come together and make decisions for themselves.After hours of discussions, Elmore's town budget be passed without dissent. Democracy be flourishin' on a small scale in Elmore, showin' that American political polarization be nowhere in sight. It be time to adjourn fer lunch in the church. Arrr, the food may be cold, but the spirit o' democracy be warm in Elmore.

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