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Arrr, State Department be sayin' o'er 30 landlubbers be rescued from Haiti aboard a US government bird!


Arrr, the State Department be confirm'n that a whole crew of American buccaneers be rescued from the treacherous waters of Haiti, escapin' the fierce gang battles brewin' on the island. They be settlin' in Miami, safe and sound, ready to sail another day. Hoist the anchor, me hearties!

Arr, ye scallywags! The U.S. State Department be confirm'n that more than 30 American citizens have safely landed in Miami, Florida, after bein' whisked away from the chaos in Haiti. Aye, the government-chartered flight brought 'em to safety as gang violence be runnin' rampant in that cursed country.The U.S. Embassy in Port-au-Prince had been urg'n U.S. citizens to flee Haiti quick as a cat in a dog's den, and this here evacuation be the result of them urgent pleas. The State Department be sayin' 30 Americans were rescued, but some salty dogs be sayin' it were actually 47.The charter flight departed from Cap-Haïtien, a town north of Port-au-Prince, which be under the thumb of them scurvy gangs. The situation be dire in Haiti, with the airport closed and aid bein' looted by the ruffians.The State Department be offerin' limited charter flights for Americans lookin' to escape the madness, but they must sign a promissory note swearin' to pay back the government. We hope all our fellow countrymen find safe passage out of that troubled land, arr!

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