The Booty Report

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Arr, the lockdowns be havin' a mixed bag o' impacts on the critters o' the wild seas! Aye!


Arrr, me hearties! A scallywag study o' camera-trap pictures be throwin' a spanner in the works! Turns out not all critters be frolickin' durin' the lockdowns. Ye can't be trustin' those sneaky animals, they be up to no good! Aye, mateys!

Arrr mateys, listen up! A new study of camera-trap images be causin' a stir among the scurvy dogs who be thinkin' that all wildlife be thrivin' durin' the Covid lockdowns. But this study be showin' that it ain't all rainbows and unicorns for our furry and feathered friends.
It turns out that some critters be takin' advantage of the lack of human interference and be thrivin', while others be strugglin' without the scraps and leftovers from the landlubbers. The researchers be findin' that the effects be varyin' dependin' on the species and the type of habitat they be livin' in.
So next time ye be thinkin' that all the wildlife be doin' just fine durin' the lockdowns, remember that the seas be full of surprises. Some critters be thrivin', some be strugglin', and some be just tryin' to get by. It be a tough world out there, even for the creatures of the deep.

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