The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arr matey, the swashbuckler who made the finest mod fer Stardew Valley be helpin' with update 1.6 along with Eric Barone, savvy? Aye, he's already got a patch ready!


Arrr, the scallywag behind Stardew Valley Expanded be in cahoots with the likes o' version 1.6! He be sailin' the high seas o' game development with a crafty eye fer expansion. Aye, me hearties, be ready fer plunderin' new lands and treasures in this grand adventure!

Arr, me hearties! Gather 'round and listen to this tale of the creator of Stardew Valley Expanded! Ye see, this scallywag was in on version 1.6 of the game, makin' changes and addin' new content for all ye landlubbers to enjoy.
The creator, bein' a crafty swashbuckler, added new areas to explore, more characters to meet, and even more quests to complete. 'Twas a bounty of treasures awaitin' for those brave enough to sail the seas of Stardew Valley.
But this scurvy dog didn't stop there! No, he also fixed bugs and made improvements to the game, makin' it smoother and more enjoyable for all ye scallywags out there. 'Twas a job well done, if I do say so myself.
So there ye have it, me hearties! The creator of Stardew Valley Expanded was in on version 1.6, bringin' new adventures and fun for all ye landlubbers to enjoy. Raise a tankard of grog to this fine pirate, for he truly be a legend in the world of video games!

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