The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrrr, after 13 years, a secret treasure hunting trick in Dead Space 2 be discovered, even surprising the scallywag devs!


Arrr, 'tis be time for a rerun of the show, me hearties! Ready yer spyglass and prepare to watch the spectacle unfold once more on the high seas. Aye, 'twill be a jolly good time, me mateys!

Arrr mateys! It be time for a replay of the adventures we be havin' on the high seas! Grab ye grog and settle in for a tale of swashbucklin' and treasure huntin' like ye never heard before!
Picture it: the salty wind in yer hair, the sound of the waves crashin' against the hull, and the thrill of the hunt for buried treasure! We be a fearless crew, takin' on Davy Jones himself and comin' out on top every time!
From dodgin' cannonballs to outwittin' rival pirates, we be the stuff of legends! Our ship be a sight to behold, with sails as black as the night and a crew as fierce as the Kraken!
So raise ye tankards and let's toast to the adventures yet to come! We be the scourge of the Seven Seas, feared by all who dare to cross us. And remember, mateys: dead men tell no tales, so let's make sure we be the ones tellin' the stories for generations to come!

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