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Arrr, a brave Belarusian scribbler be on trial fer speakin' his mind. Walk the plank, ye scallywags!


Arrr! The brave Belarusian scribe Ihar Karnei be standin' trial for bein' an extremist, mateys! 'Tis a case o' political shenanigans and skullduggery, ye can be sure! But fear not, for this scallywag be fightin' the good fight!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, a scallywag journalist named Ihar Karnei found himself in a spot of trouble in Belarus. This independent journalist, known for scribbling for Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty and other rebel news outlets, was accused of joining an extremist group by the landlubbers in power. This charge could send him to the brig for up to six years, a fate worse than walking the plank!Since the scallywag Lukashenko claimed victory in a rigged election last August, the seas of Belarus have been roiling with discontent. Massive protests rocked the ship, leading to a brutal crackdown by the authorities. Over 35,000 swashbucklers were thrown in the brig, and dozens of independent news outlets were made to walk the plank.Poor Karnei, a brave soul who continued to sail the treacherous waters of Belarus, was finally caught by the scallywags in July 2023. His ship was raided, his treasure of phones and computers seized, and he was charged with being part of an extremist group.Western diplomats, with names like Germany and Sweden, visited the courthouse to demand the release of this journalist and other political prisoners. The seas of Belarus are now among the most dangerous for journalists, with dozens behind bars and the threat of walking the plank looming large.The brave voices of dissent are being silenced in Belarus, with over 1,400 political prisoners languishing in the scallywag's jails. It's a dark time for freedom of the press in this land, with even the bravest swashbucklers like Karnei facing the wrath of the tyrants.

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