The Booty Report

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Arrr! The Lords be squabblin' with Sunak o'er Rwanda plunder! Methinks they be needin' a swig of rum!


Arrr mateys, the government's quarrelsome Rwanda policy, favored by the prime minister, has stirred up a mutiny in Britain's unchosen second chamber. Tis a right kerfuffle indeed, worthy of a few hearty "Arrrs" and "Shiver me timbers!"

Arrr mateys, listen up! The scurvy dogs in the government be causin' quite a ruckus with their Rwanda policy. The prime minister be standin' by it, but the folks in the second chamber, who be not elected, be raisin' a rebellion against it! Shiver me timbers!
It be a right mess, I tell ye. The prime minister be sailin' on rough seas with this policy, and now the crew be mutinin' in the second chamber. It be like a battle on the high seas, with swords clashing and cannons firin'!
But ye know what they say, mateys – every ship must have a captain. And right now, the prime minister be holdin' the wheel. Will he steer us into calmer waters, or will we be dashed upon the rocks? Only time will tell, me hearties.
So batten down the hatches and prepare for a wild ride, me buckos. The government be walkin' the plank with this Rwanda policy, and the second chamber be ready to make 'em walk it! Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!

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