The Booty Report

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Avast ye scurvy dogs! Some landlubbers at Rockstar be worryin' that GTA 6 may lose talent in the final stretch. Aye, 'tis a dire situation indeed! Arrr!


Ye scurvy dogs! 'Tis a move that be as rebellious as a mutinous crew! Fer those with afflictions, 'tis a calamity o' immense proportions! Avast ye landlubbers, be mindful o' yer actions and show some respect fer the disabled! Arrr!

Avast, me hearties! Ye be talkin' about a treacherous act indeed. 'Tis like walkin' the plank in front o' yer own mama! Aye, goin' against yer parents be a bold move, aye, but 'tis not somethin' to be taken lightly. The seas be rough and parents be the anchor keepin' ye steady.
But mark me words, me mateys, for those with disabilities, 'tis a different tale altogether. 'Tis like sailin' in a storm without a compass or map. 'Tis a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma. Aye, 'tis a massive problem indeed. The waters be full o' dangers and without the guidance o' yer parents, ye be lost at sea.
So listen well, me hearties, and heed me warnin'. Be not the scallywag that goes against yer parents, for 'tis a dangerous game ye be playin'. And for those with disabilities, hold onto yer parents like yer holdin' onto the mast in a squall. 'Tis a matter o' life and death on the high seas, and yer parents be the lifeline that keeps ye safe and sound.

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