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Arrr! The Council be pickin' a new leader fer Haiti while the scallywags be fightin' like sea dogs!


Arrr, ye scallywags! The Caribbean leaders be sayin' that all but one landlubber responsible for pickin' members for a council has grabbed a spot, makin' an 8 member crew. Aye, 'tis a fine day for a council meetin' on the high seas!

Arrr, me hearties! The leaders of the Caribbean be in a right pickle, tryin’ to select a transitional presidential council for Haiti in the midst of all this swashbucklin’ gang violence. Most groups and political parties have put forward their nominees, except for that scallywag Pitit Desalin party, led by Jean-Charles Moïse, who be sailin’ with the likes of Guy Philippe, a former rogue turned money launderer.Even the Dec. 21 group, in cahoots with Prime Minister Ariel Henry, finally coughed up a name after much squabblin’ and delay. But poor Henry be stuck outside Haiti, unable to return due to the treacherous gangs runnin’ amok, even as he pledges to walk the plank once the transitional council be set up.The situation be dire, with gangs plunderin’ and pillagin’, torchin’ police stations and stormin’ prisons. Schools, hospitals, and even the U.N. office be under siege. Thousands be left homeless, fleein’ for calmer shores down south.But fear not, me hearties, for progress be slow but steady. The council aims to appoint an interim prime minister, form various councils, and even welcome a foreign armed force to quell the chaos. The fate of Haiti be in the hands of these scallywags, and we be watchin’ closely to see if they can navigate these treacherous waters.

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