Avast ye mateys! Texas be tightenin' th' borders with a newfangled immigration law. Prepare to walk th' plank! Arrr!
Avast ye mateys! No ruckus be stirring on the border after the Supreme Court granted Texas the power to round up and send off migrants. The officials be keepin' mum on when they'll start the plunderin' and pillagin'. Arrr!
Arrr mateys, be ye hearin' the news from the high courts? The scallywags in the U.S. Supreme Court be givin' the green light for those Texas police to be snatchin' up migrants like loot on the high seas. But aye, there be no sign of the cannons firin' along the border just yet. The officials be keepin' their lips sealed tight as a clam, not whisperin' a word on when the plunderin' and deportin' will commence.Ye can almost hear the crickets chirpin' as we all wait with bated breath for the first sails to be unfurled on this new adventure. Will the Texas police be huntin' down the migrants like buried treasure? Or will they be as elusive as the ghost ships that vanish into the mist?
One thing be certain, me hearties. This be a tale worth watchin' as it unfolds on the horizon. Will the migrants be runnin' for the hills like landlubbers fleein' from a kraken? Or will they stand their ground like true buccaneers, ready to defend their right to roam the seven seas?
Only time will tell, but mark my words, this be a saga that will go down in the annals of pirate lore. So raise a tankard of grog and keep a weather eye on the horizon, for the winds of change be blowin' in from the west. Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!