$2.9B booty sent to Afghan land, US gold plundered, says scallywag tale. Arrr, what a scandalous report!
Arrr mateys, it be said that Afghanistan be pocketin' more than $2.9 billion in doubloons from the United Nations since them scallywag Taliban took the helm. 'Tis a tale of U.S. gold bein' sailed straight into the hands of the rogue group. Aye, aye, aye!
Arrr mateys, listen up! The scallywags in Afghanistan be gettin' a treasure trove of $2.9 billion in cash from the United Nations since them filthy Taliban took over. Aye, that be a whole lotta loot!ProPublica, that savvy bunch, dug up the dirt and found out the U.N. be squirrelin' away funds in a private Afghan bank and givin' it to aid groups tied to the agency. But, shiver me timbers! Some of that gold ended up in the hands of them scurvy dogs...