The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr! Aye, a popular MCU scallywag be makin' his debut in the Marvel Comics, rescuin' a fellow hero in distress!


Arrr! OB be settin' sail fer Marvel Comics, makin' a grand entrance like a mighty kraken! The crew be cheerin' and the seas be roilin' with excitement. Aye, me hearties, OB be takin' the comic world by storm!

Arr mateys, gather round and listen up! OB be sailin' into the waters of Marvel Comics, and let me tell ye, he be causin' quite the commotion right off the bat! This scallywag be makin' a big splash, like a cannonball hittin' the deck!
OB be bringin' his swashbucklin' ways to the pages of Marvel, showin' off his sword skills and sharp wit. The other characters better watch out, 'cause OB be stealin' the spotlight faster than ye can say "shiver me timbers!"
With his larger-than-life personality and flair for the dramatic, OB be standin' out amongst the crew of superheroes and villains. He be makin' waves in the comic world, showin' that even a pirate can make a name for himself in the land of capes and cowls.
So keep a weather eye on the horizon, me hearties, 'cause OB be sailin' into Marvel Comics and takin' no prisoners. Ye best be grabbin' a copy of his adventures, or ye might just find yerself walkin' the plank! Yo ho ho, it be a pirate's life for OB in the world of Marvel!

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