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Arrr, Oprah did deprive herself o' grog for fear o' jests 'bout her appearance. 'Twas a sport fit for kings!


Arrr mateys, Oprah Winfrey be spillin' the beans 'bout her battles with the bulge. She be tellin' us she did starve herself to look trim on her show, only to plump right back up. Aye, the sea be rough, but so be the journey to a slimmer figure!

In a hilarious twist, Oprah Winfrey has shared her struggles with weight loss, revealing that for 25 years, she was the target of cruel tabloid headlines poking fun at her size. The media darlings of the '80s and '90s gleefully reported on her weight fluctuations and even fashion critic Mr. Blackwell called her "bumpy, lumpy, and downright dumpy." The 70-year-old icon confessed to extreme measures like liquid diets that only led to gaining back the lost pounds the next day. In a recent ABC special on obesity drugs, Winfrey opened up about being prescribed medication to manage her weight, highlighting the complexity of the "disease of obesity."She emphasized that shaming people for their weight struggles is wrong, as many individuals face a constant battle with their bodies. In a candid moment, Winfrey acknowledged that she had previously believed those who didn't struggle with weight were simply more disciplined, only to realize that they weren't obsessing over food like she was. She now uses medication to prevent yo-yo dieting and has embraced it as a tool for staying healthy without shame or ridicule.

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