The Booty Report

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"Arrr, me hearties! 'Shirley' be a lass wit' more layers than a barrel o' rum. Aye, she be a treasure worth uncoverin'!"


Arrr, this tale be as dull as watchin' paint dry on me ship's hull! 'Tis more concerned with the image of Shirley Chisholm than the deeds she did. Give me a swashbucklin' adventure any day, matey!

Arrr mateys, gather 'round and hear the tale of Shirley Chisholm, a fierce lass who made history as the first Black woman to be elected to the U.S. Congress. But beware, this biopic be as staid as a becalmed ship on a windless day. It be more concerned with what she symbolized than the daring deeds she done.
While Shirley be a trailblazer in the world of politics, this film be as dry as old biscuit. There be no swashbuckling adventures or daring escapades to be found. It be like a map without a treasure marked on it, full of facts but lacking in excitement.
Ye may find yerself yawning during this tale of Shirley Chisholm, for it be more interested in her historical significance than her personal story. It be like a dull tavern tale told by a drunken sailor, full of important information but lacking in entertainment value.
So batten down the hatches, me hearties, and prepare for a voyage through the life of Shirley Chisholm that be more educational than exhilarating. This biopic may not make ye walk the plank, but it may leave ye wishing for a bit more swashbuckling in the telling of this remarkable woman's story.

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