The Booty Report

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Me mateys be sayin' that squintin' too long at the horizon be bringin' on the scurvy of the mind!


Arr matey, 'tis said that not seein' straight can cause a scallywag to feel anxious. Aye, them older landlubbers in the States be sayin' this in a fancy study. Keep yer eyes sharp me hearties, lest ye be feelin' the dread of anxiety! Arrr!

Me mateys be sayin' that squintin' too long at the horizon be bringin' on the scurvy of the mind!

Arrr mateys, it be said that the lack of clear sight may be causin' more than just a squint on the high seas. A study amongst the older folk across the United States has found a link betwixt impaired vision and the symptoms of anxiety. Aye, ye heard that right!
Imagine tryin' to spot an enemy ship on the horizon with blurry eyes - enough to make any salty sea dog feel a bit on edge, wouldn't ye say? So it seems that not bein' able to see clear as day could be makin' some of our fellow sailors feel anxious, arrr!
So next time ye be squintin' at the map or strugglin' to read a treasure map, remember - it might not just be yer eyes playin' tricks on ye. It could be stirrin' up a whole storm of anxiety in yer mind, arrr! Best be takin' care of yer vision, lest ye want to end up walkin' the plank with worry in yer heart!

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