The Booty Report

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Ahoy mateys! The scallywags in charge be droppin' a treasure chest worth of gold to calm the crew's nerves.


Arrr! The two-party scroll surfaced a mere day before the gold was set to run out, and it be uncertain if the scallywags in Congress could finish it in time to prevent a partial closure after the witching hour on Friday. Aye, let the chaos ensue!

Arrr, me hearties! The scallywags in Congress be scramblin' to pass a bill before the federal coffers run dry and we be faced with a shutdown o' epic proportions. This bipartisan legislation be poppin' up outta nowhere like a ghost ship in the night, leavin' us all wonderin' if the landlubbers in charge can git their act together in time. Will they be able to swab the decks and hoist the sails before the clock strikes midnight on Friday, or will we be left stranded on dry land without a penny to our names?
Ye can almost hear the cannons firin' as the deadline looms closer and closer, with no clear sign of a resolution in sight. Will the scurvy politicians be able to put their differences aside and work together for the common good, or will they be too busy arguin' over who gets the last piece of the pie? Only time will tell, me hearties, but one thing be for sure - this be one wild ride on the high seas of politics, and we be all holdin' on tight to see where the winds of fate will blow us next!

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