The Booty Report

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Arrr! The scallywag burglar, disguised as an Amazon swashbuckler, hath plundered treasure in 9 raids in NYC! Aye!


Avast ye hearties! A scurvy dog be prowlin' the streets o' New York City, posin' as an Amazon delivery swab. 'Tis no ordinary delivery, for he be plunderin' at least nine homes since January 2023. Beware, lest ye fall victim to this landlubber! Arrr!

Arrr mateys, listen up! There be a scallywag in New York City, pretendin' to be an Amazon delivery swashbuckler, but really be a thievin' bilge rat! This scurvy dog be breakin' into homes in Queens, stealin' loot worth thousands o' pieces o' eight!These crimes have been happenin' for over a year, with the most recent on March 5. The scallywag be enterin' through windows, like a sneaky sea serpent!No harm has come to any landlubbers, but the plunderin' be mighty! One victim, a single mother named Estrla Islas, had $9,000 stolen, money she be savin' for her wee lass.The NYPD be on the lookout for this scallywag, with video footage showin' him wearin' an Amazon vest. The company be investigatin' the matter as well, makin' sure their crew be on the up and up.If ye be seein' this scurvy dog, report him to the authorities, and may he walk the plank for his crimes against the good people o' Queens!

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