The Booty Report

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Avast ye! Treprostinol be tainted with foul particulates, beware and heed this warning, me hearties! Aye!


Arrr mateys, beware of the risks ahead! Ye may find yerself with a bloated limb or even a cursed blocked blood vessel. Best be keepin' a weather eye on yer health, lest ye find yerself walkin' the plank to Davy Jones' locker!

Arrr mateys! Listen up ye scallywags, fer I bring ye tidings of potential doom and gloom. It be said that the cursed medicines we take may cause trouble in our bodies, from mere swellin' of a particular spot to blockin' the very blood vessels that keep us alive. Aye, 'tis a dire warning indeed, brought to us by the wise scribes at Medscape Medical News.
Imagine ye wake up one mornin' with a leg as big as a barrel, or worse yet, a heart as cold as Davy Jones' locker due to a blockage in yer veins! 'Tis a fate worse than walkin' the plank, I tell ye. But fear not, me hearties, for forewarned be forearmed. Keep an eye out for any signs of trouble and seek out a healer should ye suspect foul play from them cursed medicines. Aye, 'tis a serious matter, but no need to lose yer wits over it. Just stay vigilant and mayhaps ye'll sail through unscathed. Fair winds and following seas to ye all!

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