The Booty Report

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Arrr matey! Biden be tryin' to swashbuckle Israel into changin' their war tactics, savvy? Pieces of eight!


Arrr! President Biden be whisperin' in the ear o' Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, but the scallywags be sayin' it be time for a new tack. Aye, let's hoist the Jolly Roger and set sail on a different course, me hearties!

Arrr mateys, listen up ye scallywags! President Biden be tryin' to convince that ol' scurvy dog, Prime Minister Netanyahu, to see things his way. But there be some landlubbers sayin' it be high time for a change in tactics.
Some folks be thinkin' it be time for Biden to be walkin' the plank and showin' Netanyahu who be the captain now. They be sayin' he should be takin' a tougher stance and not bein' so soft on the bilge rat.
But ol' Biden be keepin' his cards close to his chest, tryin' to win over that stubborn Netanyahu with smooth talk and fancy words. Will he be able to turn the tide or will he be walkin' the plank himself?
Only time will tell, me hearties. But one thing be for certain, this be a battle of wits between two salty sea dogs. Who will come out on top in this game of political piracy? Only Davy Jones knows for sure.

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