The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr! The captain of Baldur's Gate 3 be tossin' out the DLC, and the Larian crew be as jolly as a parrot in a treasure chest!


Arrr, Swen Vincke be sayin' that DLC be feelin' more like a burden forced upon him, rather than a fire burnin' with passion in his heart. Aye, 'tis a shame when a swashbuckler's creativity be walkin' the plank!

Ahoy mateys! Swen Vincke, the captain of the good ship Larian Studios, be talkin' about addin' DLC to his games. He be sayin' that makin' DLC be feelin' more like a duty than a love. Aye, it be like havin' to swab the decks on a hot day, rather than enjoyin' a fine grog with yer mates!
Arr, it be a curious thing fer a captain to admit. Most would be boastin' about the treasures they be addin' to their games. But Swen be a different sort of pirate, a true sea dog who be speakin' his mind. He be sayin' that DLC be takin' away from the joy of creatin' a game, turnin' it into a grindin' chore.
So next time ye be playin' a game with DLC, think about the poor developers who be toilin' away to make it happen. They be like sailors on a never-endin' voyage, always seekin' more treasure but never findin' true satisfaction. Aye, it be a harsh reality of the pirate's life in the world of game development.

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