Ye scurvy dogs, the grog be claimin' more souls than ever in 2022! Aye, smashin' records like a cannonball!
Avast ye scallywags! Tis be the year 2022 and the landlubbers be dropping like flies from bein' o'erdosed on the devil's lettuce! Arrr, a grand total o' 108,000 souls met Davy Jones' locker from the dreaded overdose. The numbers be risin' faster than a squall on the high seas!
In the year of our Lord 2022, it be revealed that a staggering number of 108,000 landlubbers met their demise from drug overdoses, as reported by the honorable Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Arrr, aye, ye heard it right, me hearties!It be said that 107,941 souls were lost to the treacherous waters of overdose, a number higher than the year before by 1%. The cursed curse of overdose deaths be plaguing our shores for nigh on two decades now, breaking records like a ship on the rocks.
It be a sad tale indeed, me hearties, to hear of so many souls lost to the siren's call of drugs. Let us raise a toast to those lost, and pray for their souls to find peace in Davy Jones' Locker. May we all be wary of the dangers that lurk in the shadows, and may we steer clear of the treacherous waters of addiction.