The Booty Report

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Arrr, the scallywags be droppin' like flies at the Moscow Concert Hall! Death toll be risin' to 115!


Arrr, the Kremlin be claimin' they've captured all four scallywags! The Yanks be blamin' the attack on ISIS-K, a fearsome branch of the Islamic State wreakin' havoc in Iran and Afghanistan. Shiver me timbers, the seas be gettin' rough!

Arrr, mateys! The scallywags at the Kremlin be claimin' they've caught all four of them rascally assailants! Aye, 'twas a fierce attack, one of the deadliest Russia has seen in many a moon. The landlubbers from across the sea, them U.S. officials, be blamin' this madness on ISIS-K, a branch of the dreaded Islamic State that's been causin' trouble in Iran and Afghanistan. Aye, the world be a dangerous place, me hearties!

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