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Arrr, matey! Aye, they be creatin' a newfangled language fer them sands o' Dune! Aye, me parrot be confused!


Avast ye mateys! Them scallywags makin' moving pictures have taken to creatin' whole new tongues based on the scribblin's of Frank Herbert in '65! They be craftin' words and rules fit for a parrot's ear, arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! Back in the 17th century, a scallywag named Frank Herbert started makin' up words for his novel in the year of 1965. But those language builders for the movie pictures took it to a whole 'nother level, they did! They crafted a vast vocabulary and some mighty specific grammar rules, they did.
They be makin' up words like "Klingon" and "Dothraki" that would make even the saltiest sea dog scratch his noggin in confusion. And don't be forgettin' about them grammar rules, matey! Them movie language creators be fussin' over the tiniest details like how to say "hello" or where to put an apostrophe.
But hey, it be all in good fun, ye know? These language makers be entertainin' us landlubbers with their fancy talk and makin' us laugh with their clever wordplay. So next time ye be watchin' a movie with strange talkin' folk, just remember the hard work them language creators put in to make it all happen. Arrr!

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