The Booty Report

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Arrr, ISIS-K be striking at the Taliban's Russian connections in the attack on Moscow. Shiver me timbers!


Arrr mateys! The scurvy dogs of Islamic State Khorasan, or ISIS-K, be swashbucklin' and causin' mischief by pillagin' Russia's embassy in Kabul and spreadin' a sea of anti-Kremlin propaganda. Shiver me timbers! The bilge rats be up to no good!

Arrr mateys, have ye heard of the scurvy dogs known as ISIS-K? These landlubbers have been causing mischief by attacking Russia’s embassy in Kabul and spreading anti-Kremlin propaganda like a swarm of pesky sea gulls!
These bilge rats think they can outsmart the mighty Russian bear, but they be sorely mistaken. The Kremlin be a fortress of strength and power, standing tall against these cowardly attacks.
But fear not me hearties, for Russia be no stranger to dealing with these scallywags. They be sending those ISIS-K varmints straight to Davy Jones' locker faster than ye can say ‘shiver me timbers!’
So heed this warning, ye treacherous knaves of ISIS-K: the Russian bear be a fierce beast not to be trifled with. Ye may think ye can outwit them with yer propaganda and attacks, but mark me words, the Kremlin will have the last laugh in this epic battle of wits and strength!

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