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Arrr! Did Russia turn a blind eye to warnings of US 'extremist' attacks in Moscow, matey?


Arr matey! There be many a question after a raid as to why it weren't stopped or caught. But the Moscow ambush be causin' some trouble fer ol' Vladimir Putin. Tensions be high 'n mistrust be abounding, all 'cause of a warnin' from the land of Washington. Yarrr!

Arrr me hearties, there be questions swirling about like the sea after a storm! Why did no one stop or spy the attack in Moscow? 'Tis a puzzler indeed, especially for old Vlad Putin in these troubled times of war and treachery. And it be all 'cause of a warning from them scallywags in Washington!
On the 7th of March, those yanks sent out a warning to their own folks that was as clear as the stars in the night sky. They blabbered on about "extremists" with plans to cause chaos in Moscow, especially at them fancy concerts. They even gave advice on how to steer clear of danger, like a friendly tavern keeper warning ye of a sour barrel of grog!
But alas, despite the warnings, the attack still came like a ghost ship in the fog. Now poor old Putin be left with a doubloon-sized headache as he tries to figure out why the warning was missed. Aye, 'tis a tale of woe and confusion that would make even Blackbeard scratch his head in wonder!

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