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Avast ye scallywags! Schumer and Biden be meddling in Israel's affairs. Best keep to yer own business, mateys!


Arrr, some salty dogs in Jerusalem be tellin' Fox News Digital that Schumer be meddlin' in their affairs. They be thinkin' the Biden crew be turnin' on 'em for their own political gain. Shiver me timbers! It be a right ol' mess.

In the bustling Machane Yehuda food market in Jerusalem, Israelis expressed their dismay at Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer's comments regarding Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's handling of the Gaza war. Netanyahu himself called Schumer's remarks inappropriate and outrageous. Shoppers felt that Schumer should not meddle in Israeli politics and focus on his own re-election instead.Some Israelis believed that President Biden was turning on Israel for his own political gain, as he demanded Israel send a delegation to Washington to discuss their strategy in Gaza. They expressed distrust in Biden, calling him a liar and questioning his mental capacity. They contrasted Biden with former President Trump, who they believed had a stronger alliance with Israel.When asked about potential elections in Israel, opinions varied. Some would vote for Netanyahu again, while others felt it was time for a change due to his long tenure as prime minister. Netanyahu has faced challenges in forming a government, leading to multiple elections and protests against his policies.

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