The Booty Report

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Four scallywags accused of terror after causing ruckus in old Moscow town. Walk the plank, ye scurvy dogs! Arrr!


Arrr! The scurvy dogs accused of a brawl at a concert hall near Moscow be swashbuckling laborers from Tajikistan. They be facin' the ultimate punishment of a life behind bars. Avast ye, the law be showin' no mercy on these landlubbers!

Arrr mateys, listen up! The scallywags who be standin' trial for an assault at a concert hall near Moscow be no other than migrant laborers from Tajikistan. Aye, they be in a heap o' trouble, facin' a fate worse than walkin' the plank - a maximum sentence of life in the brig!
These landlubbers thought they could stir up trouble and get away with it, but the long arm o' the law be catchin' up to 'em. No amount of gold doubloons or rum can save 'em now!
But let this be a lesson to all ye scurvy dogs out there - crime don't pay, especially when ye be messin' with the wrong crew. So keep ye noses clean and be mindful of the laws of the land, lest ye find yerself locked up in Davy Jones' locker!
So let this be a warnin' to all ye rapscallions out there - think twice before ye cross the line, or ye might just find yerself facin' the gallows. Arrr!

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